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Bayfront Park Walk & Talk Educational Series


  • Coastal Geology of Calvert Cliffs and Bayfront Park - Dr. Ken Rasmussen (No. VA Community College)  

A walking tour through the eons, describing the ancient past recorded in our stretch of Calvert Cliffs and the dynamic modern-day forces that continue to shape them today.

  • Fossil Fun at Bayfront Park - Dr. Stephen Godfrey & John Nance (Calvert Marine Museum)

The fossils of Chesapeake Bay and Maryland. Dr. Godfrey and Mr. Nance exhibited and described fossils from around the region with an emphasis on Calvert County, identified fossils found by participants, and discussed where to find fossils in the region.

  • Horseshoe Crabs: Blue Bloods of the Bay - Mr. Marek Topolski (MD Dept. of Natural Resources)

DNR biologist provided information on the natural history, biology, and importance of horseshoe crabs to the Bay ecosystem, and discussed Horseshoe Crab conservation efforts and how we can help stranded crabs.

  • Spring Bird Walk - Mr. Mikey Lutmerding

A premier birder of the mid-Atlantic region led a bird identification walk through Bayfront Park to identify and share a little bit about the natural history of the many resident and migratory song birds inhabiting our community park.

(Bayfront Park Nature Talks organized by the CB Bayfront Park Committee; Keith Pardieck, Chairman)

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